I am always surprised when I am able to get onto this blog to update all three of the people that are reading about Jordie and her mission experience thus far. Things have changed immensely after dropping her off, I am sure that you MM (that is shorthand for mission mom) knew that and were not worried that she would be ok, but for about 6 1/2 days I was pretty sure that I was going to have to go down to the MTC and demand to see my child. T.J. is a man and he did not show any of that kind of emotion and I had no idea if he was suffering because he did not say anything about it, he didn't even send us a letter on the first night like he was supposed to :) The letter that we received on Wednesday (P-day) was so encouraging that I decided to let her stay there and keep on serving and we have received a few other messages that she is still progressing. A few excerpts and shout outs follow: Jordies companion is Sister Blackburn, she is from Iowa and she is going to Everett, Washington. FYI all of Jordies district is going to Everett. She has loved Sister Blackburn, I think she helped Jordie understand how blessed she is and how much support she has. Jordie's new motto is:I can do hard things!
Hey a couple of things, one I am definitely going on a mission now!!! I am happy! I am going on a mission "fo sho". I just need to get through this cause the MTC stinks, literally! I know that what I am doing is right and I am happy. I wanted to bare my testimony to you cuz I have not done that yet. Fam, I know the church is true , I know that God is our creator and gave us all we have! just look outside at the peaceful, yet cold weather he's such an artist. I know that Christ is my brother, my redeemer and suffered for all that we have to go through and I know that he's been with me through every hard moment, I have had of missing you. I love him so much and I feel the Holy Ghost whenever I struggle and am so grateful for his loving arms. I know that the Book of Mormon is true! I love finally coming to know it and understand it. Missionary work is wonderful and inspired work! And I am so grateful to be in it! I love you my family and friends and I'm so grateful for all you do for me and for the church. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen. OK a few shout outs: Will you just tell Colby, Annette, Gary, Allie, Nate, Lisa, Liyahand Mads thanks to high heavens! And that I fully intend to write them back but they time my showers, not really, JK, they should so that I'd know when I am losing seconds to the minutes "I'm allowed". Tell gram that I love her so much! You're so tech savvy! Keep it up! I love hearing from you thanks for your words of advice I love you. So glad you were able to do everything with me and I love you more than you will ever know. Thanks! Tell dad I went to the temple today and I literally felt Grandma Louise with me through the whole thing! she says she loves him! And I say ditto! ha, ha! (inside joke Brad always says ditto to sappy love stuff) Please tell Amy (Jordies trainer) the food here is good a little too good, I am having soup and salad for lunch and dinner. I am eating oatmeal for breakfast make sure Amy knows this and that my eating and work out habits are good I ran an 8 minute mile this morning. Tell Amy I love her! Madi-I Loved !Loved! the note, thanks sweetie "you're da bestest"! Faith guess what? I'm in Provo so I can't send you pics of Hawaii! Ha Ha! But loved the note. I miss you, I'm going to look at the note to remind myself that I am going to see you in a short eighteen months. Colby! I'm taking your insights to heart, NOT! But kinda I'm eatin up the MTC, not though and I loved the letter. I hope I see you but also hope I don't, so I won't hug you, haha! Love you so much! Also no way on that one topic :)! Annette and Gary---- THANK YOU for the words of advice! Netty (I bet Jordie is the only one that gets to call her that) loved the story, you know the secret one! It killed me! I love you guys so much and really, really want to write you, but I'm afraid they are timing our bathroom breaks! I love you both, tons! Lisa-Good Gracious, I love that you wrote! Thank you! I'm Happy now that I figured out my purpose, keep truckin sista! Liyah-thanks baby cakes! I'll look for those Hawaiian foods that you mentioned, I love you kiddo, please take care of my girl for me! Love you sis. -oh wait- new joke when we can't find our way around, we just say "you know the building with the stairs and the picture of Christ" haha! don't get it? All the buildings fit that description. I'm sure that she has received lots more encouraging words and I will update soon, (if I remember how). Gotta stop now cuz I am running out of exclamation points!!! :) Each letter that we get seems to be better and better, our family is really feeling the blessings that come from having two missionaries in the field. Wow, the new joke around our house is "what is the difference between an Elder and a Sister Missionary? About Eleventy thousand words!
Thursday, November 11, 2010
There is only one word for our experience yesterday, EPIC, we went from loving life and wanting to go out and serve, to really second guessing the decision to go. It was so tough to leave Jordie at the curb, she looked like a little lost puppy. We are, of course, still waiting to see how she is doing, I am going to assume that she is rockin' it like she does everything else and I will keep everyone posted. I guess it is my job to keep this blog going so wish me luck I am not at all blog savvy!Jamie
Monday, November 8, 2010
well i'm off! i leave wednesday afternoon for happy valley. to spend the next three weeks in the provo MTC, then on to hawaii! yeah baby! just wanted everyone who follows my blog, i know hoards of people, that my mom is now in charge and will be updating it throughout my mission with pictures and letters! so if she has questions don't be bugged if she calls anyone that i'm friends with! love you all! see you in eighteen months! the Church is true! -Sister Jordie Rohwer